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7 Blissfully Simple Tips for Planning for the Holidays

Nov 22, 2022

As older women in our 50s or beyond, it's safe to say that most of us are die-hard veterans when it comes to holiday planning. After all, we've spent decades making the most magical time of the year as special as possible for our loved ones. However, with maturity, an equally sparkling insight arrives: perhaps bracing ourselves ahead of stressful holidays isn't the prerequisite we imagined it to be!


Amazingly, studies suggest that as many as 88% of Americans believe the holidays to be the most stressful time of the year. And despite the twinkling lights and free-flowing canapés (or perhaps sometimes, because of them!) it is really no surprise. The festive season usually brings an array of obligations, distractions, and financial strains that can leave all who haven't readied their glitter-sprinkled defenses feeling shell-shocked.

So, what is the secret to blissfully stress-free holidays? The trick is to incorporate our genuine needs into holiday planning. And the reward? Enjoying the very best that this time of year has to offer—such as closeness to family and friends and nurturing self-indulgence—without so much of the peripheral noise. As we embrace aging, we certainly don't deserve any less!


1. Treat the Word “Yes” With Reverence

In order to dial back on stressful holidays, there is much to be said for simplifying and streamlining as far as possible. In this endeavor, you don't have to say yes to every party. Instead, take the approach of triaging the various seasonal invites that come your way. As you go, set apart some time for yourself too.


Crucially, the word “yes” is worthy of our reverence and most of us could do with using it a little more sparingly. Far better to go to fewer events and truly enjoy them while bringing your brightest presence than to rush from engagement to engagement without having time to stop and savor the moment!


2. Don't Take Everything On Yourself

Many of us grew up in an era defined by a sense that the holidays should flow flawlessly without the women making all of that magic happen ever breaking a sweat. Happily, society has evolved in this area, and newfound wisdom encourages us to set boundaries and delegate with joyful abandon.


In fact, sharing the load when it comes to holiday planning is a fantastic way of drawing everyone together and encouraging a feeling of shared investment. So have family bring contributions to meals and encourage new family members to take on their portion of the responsibility pie. This is a surefire recipe for avoiding the symptoms of stressful holidays.


4. Spoil Yourself in the Middle of the Holiday Season

Even with the most self-preserving holiday planning strategy in place, gearing up for the gatherings ahead is certain to deplete your energy reserves. With that in mind, slot in a timely battery recharge or two along the way to keep all your pistons firing. Whether that means some alone time with a book, a bubble bath, a trip to the spa, or time spent with girlfriends, be sure to prioritize replenishing your personal resources.


3. Set a Budget and Don't Go Over It

It can be tempting to splash out in an escalating fashion when setting a festive scene for family and friends, but overspending is a predictable precursor for stressful holidays. In contrast, setting an iron-clad budget in the early stages of holiday planning can be excellent for stimulating creative problem-solving.


Particularly this year, when many are feeling the pinch, agreeing to collectively reduce gift-buying budgets or switch to a Secret Santa model can help keep everyone's bank balance more merry. Second-hand or craft gifts and decorations can also reduce costs while reducing the impact of festive cheer.

5. Make Time for Decompression

We mentioned the importance of self-care over the holidays for keeping our personal batteries charged—but we'd be amiss not to mention this aspect from another angle. Alongside the pressures of holiday planning and preparations, a common facet of stressful holidays is that they often lead us toward challenging encounters and stressful situations.


This may be family members with which we share a strained relationship or an annual reckoning with central leadership at the office Christmas party. Whichever the case may be, accept that some situations are difficult and give yourself some time before and after to decompress. You are absolutely entitled to punctuate the holidays with the occasional emotional buffer!


6. Cherish the Season

As we all dash about with drinks and decorations, it is easy to forget the quiet stillness and innate beauty of the winter season. Much of the natural world takes this time of year to slow down or even hibernate. While we may not really fancy withdrawing to a nearby cave, we can mirror the wisdom of this approach with something a little more practical.


Why not improve your winter hot drink selection, try to eat seasonally, and pull out all the stops on creature comforts? Getting outside to take a walk in the crisp air whenever we can also offers the rewards of time spent in nature and an associated boost to mental health. There is much about the holiday season to cherish beyond the festivities themselves.


7. Prioritize the Connections That Count

Whatever the holidays mean to you, we generally universally share the idea that this is a time for reconnecting with those we care about. As you triage your holiday party invitations and consider who to delegate holiday planning tasks to, it's worth placing focus on the connections that count the most.


After all, this time of year is about more than creating a picture-perfect celebratory experience. Possibly even more so, it's about creating memories that are grounded in joy and relaxation in great company. With this held firmly in mind, you'll surely make stressful holidays a thing of the past!