Health and wellness Mental Health

7 Ways To Celebrate YOU This Mother's Day

May 10, 2023

Mother's Day is traditionally a time to celebrate mothers and their important role in our lives. But what about celebrating yourself as a mother? Taking some time for self-care and self-appreciation can be incredibly important. So here are some ideas for how to honor yourself this Mother's Day.

7 ways to celebrate yourself as a mother this Mother's Day

There is no better way to show others how you want to be treated than by treating yourself with care. Here's a guide to showing yourself some serious love and kindness this May.

1. Get some alone time: it's easy to feel like you're constantly surrounded by people and never get a moment to yourself. So take some time this Mother's Day to schedule some alone time. Maybe that means taking a long bath, going for a walk by yourself, or simply spending a few hours reading a book. Whatever it is, make sure it's something you enjoy, making you feel relaxed and rejuvenated.

2. Write yourself a love letter: We’ve written love letters to others, right? But, when did you last write one to yourself? Take time to reflect on all the amazing things you've accomplished as a mother and person. 

3. Give yourself the gift of mindfulness: In February, we shared an outline on how to build a practice of mindfulness into your daily routine. If you haven't already, why not start implementing a few mindfulness habits into your life? Skyterra Wellness Centre in North Carolina runs mindfulness retreats – why not book yourself into one for that weekend? Esalen in California is another amazing spot to consider – they regularly host wellness-related workshops. What about the Drala Mountain Center in Colorado as an option if you want to treat yourself to learning about meditation?

4. Unleash your inner creative: Moms with little kids struggle to find the time to maintain a creative hobby like painting, drawing, etc. – any art class. Taking on art as a hobby takes time and practice. If your children are grown and have left the "nest," however, you should find yourself with extra time, and that time is ideally spent learning something creative. If you live in New York, browse this list of art classes or these flower-arranging workshops in Seattle. Also, barnyard quilting classes in Vermont offer fun classes and workshops on quilt making, which is such a great way to create a special piece for your home. 

5. Treat yourself to a childhood dream: Grab a handful of your favorite girlfriends and treat yourself something you've always wanted to do and dreamed about doing as a child. Plan a trip to Disneyland, ride a Ferris Wheel, or book tickets to see the circus. Find ways to inject fun and vitality into your Mother's Day!

Disconnect from technology and get outside: In today's digital age, it can be hard to disconnect from technology and, indeed be present in the moment. Take some time this Mother's Day to disconnect from your phone, computer, and other devices. Spend some time outside – checkout our article all about glamping with girlfriends and consider planning a glamping trip over Mother's Day weekend.

6. Reflect on your accomplishments: As a mother, you accomplish amazing things every day. Take some time to reflect on all the things you've accomplished in your life, both big and small. Write them down and celebrate all the hard work and effort you've put in to get where you are today.

7. Take a cooking class: Have you always loved to cook but have spent so many years cooking and baking for others that you've kind of lost your culinary spark? What better way to reignite your passion for cooking than by taking the cooking class of your dreams. Checkout Ranjana's Indian cooking classes if you're in Chicago or Cozymeal in San Francisco – they offer a ton of different options, from Thai to Italian. 

By incorporating some of the seven ways suggested in this post, you can make your Mother's Day a memorable one. Remember, you deserve to be pampered and cherished not only on this day but every day. So, take the time to prioritize your well-being, and Happy Mother's Day!