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9 Tips For Cultivating Self-compassion: A Path To Improved Well-being

Feb 16, 2023

Practicing self-compassion in a day and age like the one we live in has never been more relevant. Many of us now struggle with how we feel about ourselves because cultural messaging has prioritized self-criticism and perfectionism. These negative feelings can become overwhelming and affect our ability to thrive. The good news is that there is a way to treat yourself with the same loving care and understanding that you would a close friend.

In this article, we will explore the concept of self-compassion, the joy of having it, and the gentle steps you can take to get there.

What is self-compassion?

Self-compassion refers to a way of approaching yourself with kindness, understanding, and softness, despite your shortcomings or failures. This concept involves recognizing when you are facing adversity and, rather than punishing yourself, responding to your feelings of hardship with care and concern. It’s to treat yourself, in this scenario, the way you would a close friend or relative.

The benefits of self-compassion

The significance of the practice of self-compassion lies in its ability to improve your overall well-being. Research has shown that an attitude of self-compassion can assist in lowering anxiety and feelings of stress and increase resilience and grit. The study also showed improved overall mental health, increased motivation, and a greater sense of personal fulfillment.
Naturally, these benefits lead directly to improved relationships with the world and people around us.

Mindfulness and Self-Compassion

Mindfulness and self-compassion go hand in hand. Implementing mindfulness activities like meditation, yoga, and breathing techniques work to develop self-compassion through awareness and present-moment consciousness. These activities teach us to create a positive internal dialogue which is crucial to dulling the judgemental attitude we often foster toward ourselves.

If you want to observe your thought patterns so that you can change any negative ones, mindfulness practices will open up space for you to analyze yourself and the way you think about your actions and who you are. It’s only through this awareness that you can grow and change.

9 Tips for Achieving Self-Compassion

Here are some practical ways to bring a deeper sense of love and kindness to yourself:

  1.  Recognize and catch self-judgment in the moment. Try to pick up when you are talking down to yourself or directing feelings of shame to wash over you. Awareness is essential here. Our bodies often react physically to negative talk, so watch out for feelings of stress. Try to combat these feelings with soothing words.
  2. Accept your emotions. This is easier said than done, of course, but once you recognize sadness, fear, anger, etc., try to accept them and then let them go rather than deny them or push them aside. Let them pass by and acknowledge them as quickly as you let them go.
  3. Practice being kind to yourself. Speak to yourself as you would to a child or a close friend; with patience, empathy, and love.
  4. Give yourself the gift of mindfulness. Include a practical mindfulness routine in your day to support your journey to deeper self-compassion.
  5. Look after your body. Ensure you feed your body and mind with good nutrition, sleep, and exercise. Prioritize these elements so that you set yourself up for success.
  6. Say no to more. Being overwhelmed by a jam-packed day will impact your ability to practice self-awareness. Make space to look at what is happening in and around you. In addition, setting up boundaries is vital in preventing you from becoming overextended.
  7. Practice gratitude in your day. Focus on, record, and express gratitude for what you have.
  8. Say “yes” to help and support. Choose to surround yourself with people who support you. Reach out to a therapist if you need to.
  9. Engage in self-compassionate acts. Please choose your favorite ways to care for yourself and do them often; read, nap, take a bath, bake, or walk in nature.

Wrapping it up

Self-awareness is the key to practicing self-compassion, allowing yourself to observe what you think and feel. Once you can recognize your thinking and response patterns, you will then be able to show up for yourself with kindness and acceptance.