A Simple Guide to Planning Your Dream Vacation in 2023

Dec 20, 2022

As life’s demands slow down in your 50s and beyond, you now have more time to pursue your passions and dreams. If traveling is high on your bucket list, I’m here to reassure you that it’s never too late to adventure and explore. Because where there’s a will, there’s a way; you just need a plan.

Here, we’ve put together a simple guide for helping you plan your dream vacation in 2023.

Step 1: Consider what kind of experience you’d like to have and narrow down your top 3 destinations.

Whether you’ve been adding to your dream destination bucket list for years or you’re just starting to dip your toes in travel, you’ll want to start the planning process by narrowing down to a top 3 list considering factors such as:

·      Do you want to stay in the country or go abroad?

·      How much time do you want to be away?

·      Would you prefer to travel via cruise, car, or plane?

·      Do you prefer a city destination, a beach getaway, or perhaps an outdoorsy trip?

·      Would you rather travel solo, with family or friends, or partner with a peer travel group?

Giving thought to each of these factors will help you envision what an idyllic vacation looks like to you.

Step 2: Plan when to go


When choosing your destination, consider when their busy season is. For example, Europe’s busy season is typically late spring through early fall. But in the Caribbean, it’s mostly winter. Traveling to a destination during the busy season means you’ll likely get good weather, but prices will be higher. While if you visit during the shoulder or low seasons, you could see significant savings on travel and accommodations.

If you plan to travel during major holidays such as Christmas and New Year’s, be sure to book your travel well in advance to secure the best prices, as holiday travel is typically more expensive regardless of the travel season. 

Step 3: Create a budget


Having a travel budget in mind before you begin planning is always best so you can find specific ways to save money and find deals.

However, if you’re unsure how much you should budget, start by researching travel, possible car rentals, and accommodation options to see what’s available. You’ll also want to explore activities and the potential costs associated with those – although you can find plenty of free and low-cost activities at most destinations.

Finally, you’ll want to factor in a little extra for any meals that aren’t included with your trip, plus a little extra for souvenirs and any miscellaneous expenses such as public transit, cab rides, or personal items you might need while away.

Once you have a pretty good idea of what your trip will cost, create your travel fund and plan to contribute to it regularly. 

Step 4: Book your travel and accommodation


Once you’ve finally settled on a destination, it’s time to book your travel and accommodation. Use platforms like Google Flights and Sky Scanner to compare flight deals and AirBnB, Hotels.com, or Kayak to find hotel stays and vacation rentals.

Additionally, explore booking your trip directly through the airline or hotels, as sometimes this can be cheaper than booking through a third party.

Step 5: Research travel requirements and get your documents ready


If you’re traveling within the country, you might not need much other than your ID, but you’ll likely need a passport if you leave the country. Ensure yours isn’t set to expire within three months of your travel dates and renew it if needed. In addition, some countries may require a tourist visa, so be sure to get clear on whether you need one or can travel without one.

Finally, some countries still have COVID-19 travel restrictions, and many cruise lines require proof of vaccination – research what requirements you’ll need to meet before you go!


Now that the planning portion of your trip is done, it’s time to enjoy the fun parts of planning - creating an itinerary, putting together outfits, and looking forward to the experiences that await you on your dream vacation!