Embracing Aging

Aging well starts with embracing change

Sep 20, 2022

As your twilight years creep just a little closer toward you, do you ever feel as if you've slipped into a bit of a rut? It's a common peril—that sneaky groove that runs alongside our everyday lives as we get older. In our rearview, we may have a life so-far well-lived, having claimed the achievements of climbing the career ladder or seeing kids out of the nest as they go off to explore adulthoods of their very own.

But, all of that rightfully manifested grownup-ness can lead to the creation of a comfort zone with fluffy but fortress-like edges. Some sit in there quite willingly, but the big secret is that to embrace aging, we also have to embrace change—to clamber right on out of that comfort zone and grow into the next iteration of our glorious selves.

“Every year should teach you something valuable; whether you get the lesson is up to you.” —Oprah Winfrey

Critically, to embrace aging now is to embrace change authentically. It requires a mind-shift and a different approach. This kind of growth can be uncomfortable, but it's truly worth it.

For some of us, the calling to make that shift arrives gently, driven by a rising urge to discover what awaits on the other side. For others, it may be thrust upon us by divorce, widowhood, some other life change—or simply a realization that we're not really in a place that makes us whole-heartedly happy. But whatever lands you on that precipice, making the decision to change the status quo will inevitably lead to a fulfillment that each and every one of us is deserving of as we age. So with that in mind, let's look at what might tip us into that comfy but clawing rut in the first place, and how to break free of it; embracing aging, change, and potential in the process.

Dispel These Obstacles to Embrace Aging

There are two gremlins that tend to be culpable for nudging us into the rut. The first is demotivation and the second is an often societally-driven notion that says “this is my lot”. Both get a boost from the reality that as we move into our second half-century, many of us feel as if we've ticked all the significant life boxes, so we start to... just... slow... down. Of course, there's nothing wrong with dropping the tempo and enjoying it, but we still need to find something that ignites us—something that keeps our inner spark burning brightly.

“When it comes to staying young, a mind-lift beats a face-lift any day.” —Marty Buccella

Challengingly, some find themselves falling into a rut of pessimism, having learned by experience to let go of youth's giddy optimism. Now, there's nothing wrong with realism, but pessimism is a real feeder of stress, and stress is a real obstacle to aging well.

So too, is tiredness. Be it physical or mental in nature, tiredness can rob us of our zest for life, but absolutely isn't something that we have to accept as we age. Sure, our joints will get creakier and we won't be able to burn the midnight oil as we used to, but chronic lethargy isn't an end-game. It's a cue to do some health and lifestyle problem-solving.

Other factors that often serve as a deceptively well-lit down-ramp into the rut include living with high levels of anxiety or stress, or leaving lingering health issues unaddressed. As the years pass, it's perfectly normal to encounter the odd issue or seven, be it hormone changes, nutrient deficiencies, or undiscovered ailments. As we move past 50 and beyond, it's vital to view our wellbeing holistically and seek out help when we need it to keep our cogs turning, even if they do so at a more leisurely pace than before.

Embrace Change to Actively Expand Your Comfort Zone

So we've covered some of the life obstacles that may re-route us into the rut, but it's also important to recognize that routine alone can be rut-forming. In contrast, staying curious—or re-embracing curiosity—can help up step right out of our comfort zones and then gradually expand them until they begin to keep up with our epic-aging experiences. Here are some ideas to help you shift gear and embrace aging now:

  • Take risks
  • Stretching that comfort zone gets easier with practice, and treading new ground will help you build confidence, making embracing change even easier.
  • Find your squad

Countless studies demonstrate that social bonds are crucial to aging well, but there's more to it than that. You can claim an even bigger win by seeking out those who can support and inspire you, whether that means finding a coach or mentor, joining a group, finding an online community, or taking a course.

  • Be creative and learn
  • Curiosity is another skill that strengthens as we exercise it. Plus, it's well documented that mental stimulation is ideal for keeping the aging brain firing on all cylinders.
  • Establish healthy routine

Take the bull by the horns and get serious about creating a life that nourishes you. Not just through healthy eating, but also: why not try daily meditation, sign up for a class, or take a bi-weekly walk in nature? Just see how it transforms you!

  • Dress for yourself
  • Are you prone to just chucking on any old thing when you get up in the morning? Instead, dress for the self you aspire to be—and not the one that you think others expect. None of us remain the same as we age, so why not take control of your own transformation?
  • Move your body

They don't say “use it or lose it” for nothing. As we age, we start to lose muscle mass and bone density naturally, but it's not something we have to roll over on. Physical exercise is a multi-faceted salve, granting us energy, balance, fortitude, flexibility, and perhaps most importantly, lasting independence.


Don't Let Triggers Derail You

Once you're up and out of the rut, don't forget to keep an eye out for derailing triggers. This might mean minimizing the negativity that you let into your life or keeping your social media scrolling habit in check. It may also mean knowing that the expanding of comfort zones takes time, and you don't have to hit the ground running but can pivot at your own pace. Plus, if you do get derailed, you've already stepped out of your comfort zone once so you know that you can do it again. So, are you ready? By believing in your worthiness and innate capacity, you can embrace aging now and make it your own.