Health and wellness Embracing Aging Mental Health

Hop Into The BEST Season Of Life: 5 Spring Wellness Tips

Mar 01, 2023

“Spring won’t let me stay in this house any longer! I must get out and breathe the air deeply again.” – Gustav Mahler.

Yes, it's springtime and time for women to be outdoors and engage in lively activities. Spring provides a blissful and picturesque setting for everyone to appreciate the simple joys of life. The beauty of the flowers blooming and the grass turning a lush green can make a woman, especially one in her fifties, fall in love with life all over again.

With spring comes new beginnings and a chance to enjoy and make the most of life. It allows you to step out in the confidence you've built over the years, knowing there's nothing as nourishing to the soul as self-care and movement. 

5 Spring Wellness Tips For Women

1. Get Moving And Get Outside

Let the sun kiss your skin and nature soothe your soul. Being outside—whether in your garden, walking along the beach, or hiking a trail—is good for you. 

Being physically active is proven to impact your mental and physical health positively, so grab any excuse you can to get moving. Further, regular exposure to the sun can align your body's circadian rhythms.

 If you've been thinking of joining your local Zumba or Yoga class or enrolling in a gardening, landscaping, or Kokedama class, go for it. Learn what you love best while enjoying some health perks. 

You'll be doing your overall wellness a favor, expanding your social circle, and meeting fellow ladies who love being out and about, promoting flexibility and mobility!

Naturally, these benefits lead directly to improved relationships with the world and people around us.

2. Religiously Continue Using Sunscreen

Just because the spring is pleasant, it doesn't spare your skin from the sun's harsh rays. Being out in the sun is an effortless way to get your Vitamin D, but make sure you are well-protected from the harmful UV rays. 

Wearing sunscreen is skincare advice you might have been getting your whole life, and it's just as important now to keep away the fine lines, skin damage, and wrinkles. Yes, sunscreen is still the easiest and the best way to protect your skin at any age.

And if what sunscreen does for your skin’s appearance is not enough to motivate you, know that your skin becomes more susceptible to skin cancers as you age. The best way to keep away basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma is to apply sunscreen. And make sure you use it the right way.

Always opt for a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 that is sweat-proof and waterproof. The application must be done 15 minutes before sun exposure and reapplied every two hours. Be generous when applying sunscreen because it's one of the best ways to show your skin some love.

3. Be Mindful Of Possible Spring Allergies

Allergies are unwanted surprises, and when you start sneezing non-stop, having a runny nose, and watery eyes, you are forced to stay home to let your body recover. These allergic reactions can take a toll on your body and make you feel miserable at home, especially when you should be outside enjoying spring to the fullest.

Seasonal allergies can happen to everyone, so talk to your health professional and get their approval to purchase over-the-counter allergy medicines like antihistamines. These medicines can make the allergy manageable, but they can make you drowsy and more susceptible to falls and accidents, so you might want to stay in.


During days with high pollen count, stay indoors and close your windows. If there are errands that can't wait, wearing a face mask is a practical safety gear option, or have a friend help you out.

4. Always Stay Hydrated

Your hydration impacts everything happening inside your body, but as you get older, you don't feel the sensation of thirst as much. So, it is up to you to remind yourself that your body needs water. Staying hydrated is not that easy, especially if your daily routine is buzzing with activities.

Make it a habit to always carry a water bottle with you. It's easier if it comes with a straw so you can take a sip anytime, anywhere, without pausing whatever you are doing. Aside from getting your hydration from water, indulge in crunchy fruits and vegetables with high water content. Take your pick from celery, cucumbers, lettuce, and watermelons. 

Incorporating broth and soup into your weekly meal planning is also an excellent way to boost your hydration. Yes, taking in more liquids may cause you more bathroom trips, but it's a minor hassle when you consider what water can do for you.

5. Engage In (A Much-Needed) Spring Cleaning

There's nothing as wonderful for your mind as spring cleaning. Cleaning the clutter around you makes you feel better mentally, too. 

Now is an excellent time to clean your home and eliminate things you no longer use. Remove objects that bring up bad memories and mementos from people that prevent you from moving on. Or simply declutter and free some space.  

 You may choose to begin from the attic and work your way down to the basement or randomly go from one room to another.

Not only is a clutter-free home less stressful, but it's good for your soul. It improves focus, de-stresses you, and gives you a sense of accomplishment.


After all, Emma Scheib once said, “Having a simplified, uncluttered home is a form of self-care.” And mind you, when was the last time you did a thorough spring cleaning?

After Thoughts

You can stay at home and stick to a boring routine as the season changes or get your body in motion, being alive, alert, and enthusiastic. It's up to you.

With these spring wellness tips, you get to make the most of the happy and energetic vibe of the season and do yourself a favor by revitalizing your mind and body.

Spring to the season of new beginnings with enthusiasm and energy!