Embracing Aging

Making New Friends

Oct 11, 2022

As humans, we love to seek out strong relationships and friendships because they provide us with a sense of belonging. We all like to feel that we are part of something larger than ourselves, and having close friends and loved ones gives our lives meaning and purpose. They provide us with an outlet for our emotions, help us to learn about ourselves, and give us someone to rely on in times of trouble.

Plus friendships are fun! They add joy to our lives, they make us laugh, and they remind us that we are not alone in this world.

One of the most important things in life is our relationships with others. Friends are the people with whom we share a close affection. 

The quality of our relationships has a direct impact on our overall happiness and well-being. We are able to enjoy mutuality, esteem, trust, and intimacy with our friends. We believe they will support and encourage us and they will be with us through thick and thin, and we reciprocate. Of course, there are many ways we can deepen and improve our relationships with others. We can show respect and admiration toward each other. We can be patient and seek to understand the other person, and we can be present and engaged when interacting with others, making an effort to really listen to what they are saying and trying to see things from their perspective.

Even so, for many of us there may be predictable times in life when our circumstances change and we may find ourselves wanting more connection with others. For example, during college we were exposed to social opportunities all of the time. When our kids were young, it was probably easy to be friends with the parents of our kids’ friends. During our working years, we may have found many opportunities to form friendships and close relationships with co-workers.  We were at the right place at the right time.

A strong social support system is crucial to maintaining our mental and emotional well-being. It provides us with a sense of belonging, boosts our self-esteem, and gives us a place to turn to during difficult times. If you find yourself feeling isolated or alone, there are steps you can take to improve and increase your relationships with others. You may need to put more effort into keeping in touch with friends and family or make an effort to meet new people.

Here are some ways to make new friends when our circumstances have changed.

Join a club or group that aligns with your interests

Joining a club or group can help you connect with others who share your interests. This can provide you with an opportunity to learn more about your hobbies and passions, and it can also help you make new friends. There are clubs and groups for almost every interest, from art and photography to gardening and hiking. You can often find these groups online or through community organizations. Start by asking around or search for groups in your area. Joining a club or group is a great way to meet new people and explore your interests.


Attend social events and meetups in your area

If you're feeling lonely, one of the best things you can do is get out and socialize. You'll be able to make new friends, learn new things, and expand your network. This can all help you feel more connected and less alone. Chances are you’ll have some fun in the process! Again, you can search online or ask around to see if any of your friends or acquaintances are planning anything that you could join. Be brave and take the first step and reach out to others. It could make all the difference in how you're feeling.

Reach out to friends of friends on social media and through other online platforms

Many people find it difficult to reach out to friends of friends, especially if they are going through a tough time. It can be hard to know what to say or how to start a conversation. However, research has shown that reaching out to friends of friends can be beneficial. Studies have shown that social media can help to facilitate conversations between people who would not otherwise talk to each other. These resources can help you connect with others and form relationships that can provide support and understanding. 

This is a great way to expand your social circle. It’s simple. Send a friend request to someone who looks like they would be compatible with you. Once you’re connected, take the opportunity to strike up a conversation. If things seem to be going well, you can suggest meeting up in person.   

Be open to meeting new people and forming new relationships

It can be easy to get caught up in our everyday lives and forget that there are other people out there who may be feeling just like we are and that they are wanting to form new connections, too. We all need human connection, and sometimes the best way to find it is to put ourselves out there and be open to meeting new people. When we're open to forming new relationships, we open ourselves up to new possibilities for happiness and fulfillment. We never know who we might meet or what kind of impact they might have on our lives, but it's always worth taking the chance to reach out to others and see where it might take you.


The bottom line is that if you're feeling a bit lonely, there are things you can do to change that. See yourself for the amazing person you are and decide that you deserve to be happy and connected. There are people out there who want to connect with you. Yes, it takes is a little effort on your part to reach out and start forming those connections, but the benefits are life-changing. So go ahead and take that first step today. You're going to love how you feel!