Health and wellness

Realistic New Year’s Resolutions That Promote Healthy Aging

Jan 05, 2023

The idea of having New Year’s resolutions is exciting. For most of us, the new year is a symbol and an opportunity for new beginnings. We have a clean slate and a chance to transform our lives for the better.

However, the New Year’s resolutions we choose are just as important as the decision to make them. After all, they will determine the changes we want to make and impact how we live.

What resolutions are you thinking of making this 2023? Are they well-rounded enough to promote healthy aging?

To help you out, we’ve come up with a list of New Year’s resolutions that will help you age gracefully and healthily. They’re designed to improve you physically, mentally, and emotionally. You’ll find that they’re simple to do, empowering, and will enable you to make 2023 even better than the previous year!

Let’s get started.


Resolution #1: Add 10 Minutes of Activity Daily

Some form of exercise is common in lists like these but we can’t emphasize enough how important it is. The advantages of remaining active as we age are plentiful. Healthy physical activity enables us to keep doing the things we love and impacts our emotional well-being as well.

If you haven’t been very active these last few years, you don’t have to suddenly start exercising vigorously. After all, suddenly introducing a too-challenging fitness routine can increase your risk for injury. Instead, opt for mild, low-impact exercises like pilates, yoga, and calisthenics. Even a walk around the block every day can be good for you.

As you get better and your body gets used to physical activity, you can gradually increase the intensity and duration of your exercise routine.

If you’re a beginner, ten minutes a day is manageable and safe enough while still giving you tons of physical and emotional benefits.


Resolution #2: Learn Something New

You’re never too old to learn something new. Your brain retains the ability to take in new information even as you age though it might take longer.

To keep your mind active and maintain your brain’s cognitive abilities, learning something new should definitely be on your list of resolutions. It doesn’t have to be something drastic, you can simply pick up a new hobby or try out a new skill.

Whether it’s learning a new language, a new creative outlet, a new instrument, or a new skill, keep learning as much and as often as you can. Reading and learning new facts also count!


Resolution #3: Meditate Every Day

Meditation might seem boring. It may feel like nothing’s happening while you sit in silence, but don’t underestimate this activity. Meditation can completely transform your life. It goes a long way in improving your mental, emotional, and physical health as it allows you to relax and rejuvenate while decreasing stress. It can also help you process oxygen more efficiently by teaching mindful breathing.

We’re not done yet — meditation can help you become more self-aware, focus on the present, and deal with negative emotions. Plus, it can spark imagination and creativity.

That’s a long list of advantages that you can have with one simple activity!


Resolution #4: Make Time for Your Loved Ones

Spending quality time with your loved ones should definitely be a priority in life and is one of the best New Year’s resolutions.

Make it a point to spend more time with family and friends. It doesn’t have to be much. A family game night, a quick coffee with an old friend, or a simple text message to let someone know you’re thinking of them can go a long way.

The point is to build, nurture, and sustain your relationships as you age so you feel connected to people and fulfilled.

Resolution #5: Eat Healthier

A healthy diet doesn’t just improve your physical health, it can also improve your mood and emotions.

This 2023, take a good look at how you’ve been feeding yourself. Are you getting enough nutrients? Are you over or undereating? Do you tend to snack on unhealthy food?

As we age, it’s important to get enough fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, beans, seeds, nuts, and seafood.

When we eat better, we feel better. So, respect the body-mind connection and commit to eating healthier meals and giving your body the best sustenance you can.


Do you want to achieve a healthier body and mind this 2023? That goal isn’t too far away as long as you keep these five New Year’s resolutions in mind. By following our list, you can make changes that matter and will have a profound effect on your quality of life.

All it takes is developing small, consistent habits like these for a better New Year.